Cucumber is really good for our health sake due to that everyone must have cucumber beside him or her.
Cucumber could do many things which we don’t know so I’m to teach you about the things that cucumber could do.
Things cucumber could do are as follows;
1) spice up eight(8) glasses per day of water with slice or two of cucumber to prevent headache.
2) it serves as energy booster:
If you are feeling tired in the afternoon after work don’t give star bucks your five bucks instead grab a cucumber.
3) it serves as shoe polish.
Cut a slice of your cucumber and rub it on your shoe and see magic it will not only shine the shoe but it will repel water.
Cucumber is very good for treating constipation and other related diseases.
4) it can be used as crayon on the walls :
Take unpeeled cucumber and rub the crayon off the walls in the event that your kiddo left you some art.
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Content created by: Asaliwe
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