Natural remedy has been what i have decided to be using, because it is safer and better, i will not hear if you have hypertension don’t take this or that, natural products has been what i have been using, and last week i had chest pain, i just soaked ginger in hot water and drank it for just a day and i was fine.
So today i will be teaching you how to soak pawpaw leaf and bitter leaf to treat the diseases i will mention in a jiffy.
So i believe all of us know what bitter leaf and pawpaw leaf is.
Because of this lecture let me talk a bit about pawpaw leaf. Pawpaw leaf juice is very nutritious and has incredible health and skin benefits.
The leaf is rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapain which acts to help digestion, prevents bloating and many other digestive disorders. It also contains an alkaloid compounds called karpain, that works in fighting dandruff and balding.
Pawpaw leaves contain high amounts of vitamins, namely A, C, E, K, and B, and also minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium magnesium and iron.
So back to our lecture how do we soak these two natural products so we can get those health benefits.
Firstly, get 5 pawpaw leaves and 10 bitter leaves, wash well then put it in a bowl.
Secondly, pour hot water inside the bowl to cover the leaves, then cover the bowl with something and leave for 2 days.
On the third day, filter the leaves out and pour the water in a container for drinking.
Take Half cup daily for 7 days.
What would happen, the health benefits.
Helps to get rid of pimples
It helps to treat Dengue fever
It has Anti-Malarial Properties
It is Good for Liver
It Supports Digestion
It acts to Lower Blood Sugar Levels
It is a cure to Your Menstrual Pain
It helps Treat Skin Problems
It helps to Promotes Hair Growth
It helps to Reduces Cancer Risks
Hope this post was informative, please hit the like button and share.
Thank you.